Source code for initialise

.. module:: initialise
    :synopsis: intialisation
.. moduleauthor:: Benjamin Audren <>

import io_mp
import parser_mp   # parsing the input command line
from data import Data
import sys
import os

[docs]def initialise(custom_command=''): """ Initialisation routine This function recovers the input from the command line arguments, from :mod:`parser_mp`, the parameter files. It then extracts the path of the used Monte Python code, and proceeds to initialise a :class:`data` instance, a cosmological code instance. Parameters ---------- custom_command: str allows for testing the code """ # Parsing line argument command_line = parser_mp.parse(custom_command) # Recovering the local configuration path = recover_local_path(command_line) # Recover Monte Python's version number version_path = os.path.join( path['root'], 'VERSION') with open(version_path, 'r') as version_file: version = version_file.readline() if not command_line.silent: print('Running Monte Python v%s' % version) # If the info flag was used, read a potential chain (or set of chains) to # be analysed with default procedure. If the argument is a .info file, then # it will extract information from it (plots to compute, chains to analyse, # etc...) if command_line.subparser_name == "info": from analyze import analyze # only invoked when analyzing analyze(command_line) return None, None, command_line, False # Fill in data, starting from parameter file. If output folder already # exists, the input parameter file was automatically replaced by the # existing log.param. This prevents you to run different things in a same # folder. else: data = Data(command_line, path) # Overwrite arguments from parameter file with the command line if command_line.N is None: try: command_line.N = data.N except AttributeError: raise io_mp.ConfigurationError( "You did not provide a number of steps, neither via " + "command line, nor in %s" % command_line.param) # Loading up the cosmological backbone. For the moment, only CLASS has been # wrapped. cosmo = recover_cosmological_module(data) # Initialising the sampler # MH: Creating the file that will contain the chain if command_line.method == 'MH': io_mp.create_output_files(command_line, data) # NS: Creating the NS subfolder and the MultiNest arguments elif command_line.method == 'NS': from nested_sampling import initialise as initialise_ns initialise_ns(cosmo, data, command_line) return cosmo, data, command_line, True
[docs]def recover_local_path(command_line): """ Read the configuration file, filling a dictionary Returns ------- path : dict contains the absolute path to the location of the code, the data, the cosmological code, and potential likelihood codes (clik for Planck, etc) """ # Define the dictionnary that will hold the local configuration path = {} # The path is recovered by taking the path to this file ( # By default, then, the data folder is located in the same root directory. # Any setting in the configuration file will overwrite this one. path['root'] = os.path.sep.join( os.path.abspath(__file__).split(os.path.sep)[:-2]) path['MontePython'] = os.path.join(path['root'], 'montepython') path['data'] = os.path.join(path['root'], 'data') # the rest is important only when running the MCMC chains if command_line.subparser_name == 'run': # Configuration file, defaulting to default.conf in your root # directory. This can be changed with the command line option --conf. # All changes will be stored into the log.param of your folder, and # hence will be reused for an ulterior run in the same directory conf_file = os.path.abspath(command_line.config_file) if os.path.isfile(conf_file): for line in open(conf_file): exec(line) for key, value in path.iteritems(): path[key] = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(value)) else: # The error is ignored if reading from a log.param, because it is # stored if command_line.param.find('log.param') == -1: raise io_mp.ConfigurationError( "You must provide a valid .conf file (I tried to read" "%s) " % os.path.abspath(command_line.config_file) + " that specifies the correct locations for your data " "folder, Class, (Clik), etc...") return path
[docs]def recover_cosmological_module(data): """ From the cosmological module name, initialise the proper Boltzmann code .. note:: Only CLASS is currently wrapped, but a python wrapper of CosmoMC should enter here. """ # Importing the python-wrapped CLASS from the correct folder, defined in # the .conf file, or overwritten at this point by the log.param. # If the cosmological code is CLASS, do the following to import all # relevant quantities if data.cosmological_module_name == 'CLASS': try: classy_path = '' for elem in os.listdir(os.path.join( data.path['cosmo'], "python", "build")): if elem.find("lib.") != -1: classy_path = os.path.join( data.path['cosmo'], "python", "build", elem) break except OSError: raise io_mp.ConfigurationError( "You probably did not compile the python wrapper of CLASS. " + "Please go to /path/to/class/python/ and do\n" + "..]$ python build") # Inserting the previously found path into the list of folders to # search for python modules. sys.path.insert(1, classy_path) try: from classy import Class except ImportError: raise io_mp.MissingLibraryError( "You must have compiled the classy.pyx file. Please go to " + "/path/to/class/python and run the command\n " + "python build") cosmo = Class() else: raise io_mp.ConfigurationError( "Unrecognised cosmological module. " + "Be sure to define the correct behaviour in " + "and, to support a new one.") return cosmo