Source code for mcmc

.. module:: mcmc
   :synopsis: Monte Carlo procedure
.. moduleauthor:: Benjamin Audren <>

This module defines one key function, :func:`chain`, that handles the Markov
chain. So far, the code uses only one chain, as no parallelization is done.

The following routine is also defined in this module, which is called at
every step:

* :func:`get_new_position` returns a new point in the parameter space,
  depending on the proposal density.

The :func:`chain` in turn calls several helper routines, defined in
:mod:`sampler`. These are called just once:

* :func:`compute_lkl() <sampler.compute_lkl>` is called at every step in the Markov chain, returning
  the likelihood at the current point in the parameter space.
* :func:`get_covariance_matrix() <sampler.get_covariance_matrix>`
* :func:`read_args_from_chain() <sampler.read_args_from_chain>`
* :func:`read_args_from_bestfit() <sampler.read_args_from_bestfit>`
* :func:`accept_step() <sampler.accept_step>`

Their usage is described in :mod:`sampler`. On the contrary, the following
routines are called at every step:

The arguments of these functions will often contain **data** and/or **cosmo**.
They are both initialized instances of respectively :class:`data` and the
cosmological class. They will thus not be described for every function.

import os
import sys
import math
import random as rd
import numpy as np
import warnings
import scipy.linalg as la
from pprint import pprint

import io_mp
import sampler

[docs]def get_new_position(data, eigv, U, k, Cholesky, Rotation): """ Obtain a new position in the parameter space from the eigen values of the inverse covariance matrix, or from the Cholesky decomposition (original idea by Anthony Lewis, in `Efficient sampling of fast and slow cosmological parameters <>`_ ) The three different jumping options, decided when starting a run with the flag **-j** are **global**, **sequential** and **fast** (by default) (see :mod:`parser_mp` for reference). .. warning:: For running Planck data, the option **fast** is highly recommended, as it speeds up the convergence. Note that when using this option, the list of your likelihoods in your parameter file **must match** the ordering of your nuisance parameters (as always, they must come after the cosmological parameters, but they also must be ordered between likelihood, with, preferentially, the slowest likelihood to compute coming first). - **global**: varies all the parameters at the same time. Depending on the input covariance matrix, some degeneracy direction will be followed, otherwise every parameter will jump independently of each other. - **sequential**: varies every parameter sequentially. Works best when having no clue about the covariance matrix, or to understand which estimated sigma is wrong and slowing down the whole process. - **fast**: privileged method when running the Planck likelihood. Described in the aforementioned article, it separates slow (cosmological) and fast (nuisance) parameters. Parameters ---------- eigv : numpy array Eigenvalues previously computed U : numpy_array Covariance matrix. k : int Number of points so far in the chain, is used to rotate through parameters Cholesky : numpy array Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix, and its inverse Rotation : numpy_array Not used yet """ parameter_names = data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying']) vector_new = np.zeros(len(parameter_names), 'float64') sigmas = np.zeros(len(parameter_names), 'float64') # Write the vector of last accepted points, or if it does not exist # (initialization routine), take the mean value vector = np.zeros(len(parameter_names), 'float64') try: for elem in parameter_names: vector[parameter_names.index(elem)] = \ data.mcmc_parameters[elem]['last_accepted'] except KeyError: for elem in parameter_names: vector[parameter_names.index(elem)] = \ data.mcmc_parameters[elem]['initial'][0] # Initialize random seed rd.seed() # Choice here between sequential and global change of direction if data.jumping == 'global': for i in range(len(vector)): sigmas[i] = (math.sqrt(1/eigv[i]/len(vector))) * \ rd.gauss(0, 1)*data.jumping_factor elif data.jumping == 'sequential': i = k % len(vector) sigmas[i] = (math.sqrt(1/eigv[i]))*rd.gauss(0, 1)*data.jumping_factor elif data.jumping == 'fast': #i = k % len(vector) j = k % len(data.over_sampling_indices) i = data.over_sampling_indices[j] ############### # method fast+global for index, elem in enumerate(data.block_parameters): # When the running index is below the maximum index of a block of # parameters, this block is varied, and **only this one** (note the # break at the end of the if clause, it is not a continue) if i < elem: if index == 0: Range = elem Previous = 0 else: Range = elem-data.block_parameters[index-1] Previous = data.block_parameters[index-1] # All the varied parameters are given a random variation with a # sigma of 1. This will translate in a jump for all the # parameters (as long as the Cholesky matrix is non diagonal) for j in range(Range): sigmas[j+Previous] = (math.sqrt(1./Range)) * \ rd.gauss(0, 1)*data.jumping_factor break else: continue else: print('\n\n Jumping method unknown (accepted : ') print('global, sequential, fast (default))') # Fill in the new vector if data.jumping in ['global', 'sequential']: vector_new = vector +, sigmas) else: vector_new = vector +, sigmas) # Check for boundaries problems flag = 0 for i, elem in enumerate(parameter_names): value = data.mcmc_parameters[elem]['initial'] if((str(value[1]) != str(-1) and value[1] is not None) and (vector_new[i] < value[1])): flag += 1 # if a boundary value is reached, increment elif((str(value[2]) != str(-1) and value[2] is not None) and vector_new[i] > value[2]): flag += 1 # same # At this point, if a boundary condition is not fullfilled, ie, if flag is # different from zero, return False if flag != 0: return False # Check for a slow step (only after the first time, so we put the test in a # try: statement: the first time, the exception KeyError will be raised) try: data.check_for_slow_step(vector_new) except KeyError: pass # If it is not the case, proceed with normal computation. The value of # new_vector is then put into the 'current' point in parameter space. for index, elem in enumerate(parameter_names): data.mcmc_parameters[elem]['current'] = vector_new[index] # Propagate the information towards the cosmo arguments data.update_cosmo_arguments() return True ###################### # MCMC CHAIN ######################
[docs]def chain(cosmo, data, command_line): """ Run a Markov chain of fixed length with a Metropolis Hastings algorithm. Main function of this module, this is the actual Markov chain procedure. After having selected a starting point in parameter space defining the first **last accepted** one, it will, for a given amount of steps : + choose randomnly a new point following the *proposal density*, + compute the cosmological *observables* through the cosmological module, + compute the value of the *likelihoods* of the desired experiments at this point, + *accept/reject* this point given its likelihood compared to the one of the last accepted one. Every time the code accepts :code:`data.write_step` number of points (quantity defined in the input parameter file), it will write the result to disk (flushing the buffer by forcing to exit the output file, and reopen it again. .. note:: to use the code to set a fiducial file for certain fixed parameters, you can use two solutions. The first one is to put all input 1-sigma proposal density to zero (this method still works, but is not recommended anymore). The second one consist in using the flag "-f 0", to force a step of zero amplitude. """ ## Initialisation loglike = 0 # In case command_line.silent has been asked, outputs should only contain # data.out. Otherwise, it will also contain sys.stdout outputs = [data.out] if not command_line.silent: outputs.append(sys.stdout) # Recover the covariance matrix according to the input, if the varying set # of parameters is non-zero if (data.get_mcmc_parameters(['varying']) != []): sigma_eig, U, C = sampler.get_covariance_matrix(cosmo, data, command_line) if data.jumping_factor == 0: warnings.warn( "The jumping factor has been set to 0. The above covariance " + "matrix will not be used.") # In case of a fiducial run (all parameters fixed), simply run once and # print out the likelihood. This should not be used any more (one has to # modify the log.param, which is never a good idea. Instead, force the code # to use a jumping factor of 0 with the option "-f 0". else: warnings.warn( "You are running with no varying parameters... I will compute " + "only one point and exit") data.update_cosmo_arguments() # this fills in the fixed parameters loglike = sampler.compute_lkl(cosmo, data) io_mp.print_vector(outputs, 1, loglike, data) return 1, loglike # In the fast-slow method, one need the Cholesky decomposition of the # covariance matrix. Return the Cholesky decomposition as a lower # triangular matrix Cholesky = None Rotation = None if command_line.jumping == 'fast': Cholesky = la.cholesky(C).T Rotation = np.identity(len(sigma_eig)) # If the update mode was selected, the previous (or original) matrix should be stored if command_line.update: previous = (sigma_eig, U, C, Cholesky) # If restart wanted, pick initial value for arguments if command_line.restart is not None: sampler.read_args_from_chain(data, command_line.restart) # If restart from best fit file, read first point (overwrite settings of # read_args_from_chain) if is not None: sampler.read_args_from_bestfit(data, # Pick a position (from last accepted point if restart, from the mean value # else), with a 100 tries. for i in range(100): if get_new_position(data, sigma_eig, U, i, Cholesky, Rotation) is True: break if i == 99: raise io_mp.ConfigurationError( "You should probably check your prior boundaries... because " + "no valid starting position was found after 100 tries") # Compute the starting Likelihood loglike = sampler.compute_lkl(cosmo, data) # Choose this step as the last accepted value # (accept_step), and modify accordingly the max_loglike sampler.accept_step(data) max_loglike = loglike # If the jumping factor is 0, the likelihood associated with this point is # displayed, and the code exits. if data.jumping_factor == 0: io_mp.print_vector(outputs, 1, loglike, data) return 1, loglike acc, rej = 0.0, 0.0 # acceptance and rejection number count N = 1 # number of time the system stayed in the current position # Print on screen the computed parameters if not command_line.silent: io_mp.print_parameters(sys.stdout, data) # check for MPI try: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() except ImportError: # next two lines: uncomment of you want update to work only with MPI # raise io_mp.ConfigurationError( # "You need mpi for the update method") # next line: uncomment if you want that without MPI, all chains behave as "master chains" with covmat calculation rank = 0 k = 1 # Main loop, that goes on while the maximum number of failure is not # reached, and while the expected amount of steps (N) is not taken. while k <= command_line.N: # If the number of steps reaches the number set in the update method, # then the proposal distribution should be adapted. if command_line.update: # master chain behavior if rank == 0: # Add the folder to the list of files to analyze, and switch on the # options for computing only the covmat from parser_mp import parse info_command_line = parse( 'info %s --minimal --noplot --keep-fraction 0.5 --want-covmat' % command_line.folder) info_command_line.update = command_line.update # the +10 below is here to ensure that the fist master update will take place before the first slave updates, # but this is a detail, the code is robust against situations where updating is not possible, so +10 could be omitted if not (k+10) % command_line.update and k > 10: # Try to launch an analyze try: from analyze import analyze R_minus_one = analyze(info_command_line) # Read the covmat base = os.path.basename(command_line.folder) # the previous line fails when "folder" is a string ending with a slash. This issue is cured by the next lines: if base == '': base = os.path.basename(command_line.folder[:-1]) command_line.cov = os.path.join( command_line.folder, base+'.covmat') sigma_eig, U, C = sampler.get_covariance_matrix( cosmo, data, command_line) if command_line.jumping == 'fast': Cholesky = la.cholesky(C).T # Test here whether the covariance matrix has really changed # We should in principle test all terms, but testing the first one should suffice if not C[0,0] == previous[2][0,0]: data.out.write('# After %d accepted steps: update proposal with R-1 = %s \n' % (int(acc), str(R_minus_one))) previous = (sigma_eig, U, C, Cholesky) if not command_line.silent: print 'After %d accepted steps: update proposal with R-1 = %s \n' % (int(acc), str(R_minus_one)) except: if not command_line.silent: print 'Step ',k,' chain ', rank,': Failed to calculate covariant matrix' pass # slave chain behavior else: if not k % command_line.update: base = os.path.basename(command_line.folder) # the previous line fails when "folder" is a string ending with a slash. This issue is cured by the next lines: if base == '': base = os.path.basename(command_line.folder[:-1]) command_line.cov = os.path.join( command_line.folder, base+'.covmat') try: sigma_eig, U, C = sampler.get_covariance_matrix( cosmo, data, command_line) if command_line.jumping == 'fast': Cholesky = la.cholesky(C).T # Test here whether the covariance matrix has really changed # We should in principle test all terms, but testing the first one should suffice if not C[0,0] == previous[2][0,0]: data.out.write('# After %d accepted steps: update proposal \n' % int(acc)) previous = (sigma_eig, U, C, Cholesky) if not command_line.silent: print 'After %d accepted steps: update proposal \n' % int(acc) except IOError: if not command_line.silent: print 'Step ',k,' chain ', rank,': Failed to read ',command_line.cov pass # Pick a new position ('current' flag in mcmc_parameters), and compute # its likelihood. If get_new_position returns True, it means it did not # encounter any boundary problem. Otherwise, just increase the # multiplicity of the point and start the loop again if get_new_position( data, sigma_eig, U, k, Cholesky, Rotation) is True: newloglike = sampler.compute_lkl(cosmo, data) else: # reject step rej += 1 N += 1 k += 1 continue # Harmless trick to avoid exponentiating large numbers. This decides # whether or not the system should move. if (newloglike != data.boundary_loglike): if (newloglike >= loglike): alpha = 1. else: alpha = np.exp(newloglike-loglike) else: alpha = -1 if ((alpha == 1.) or (rd.uniform(0, 1) < alpha)): # accept step # Print out the last accepted step (WARNING: this is NOT the one we # just computed ('current' flag), but really the previous one.) # with its proper multiplicity (number of times the system stayed # there). io_mp.print_vector(outputs, N, loglike, data) # Report the 'current' point to the 'last_accepted' sampler.accept_step(data) loglike = newloglike if loglike > max_loglike: max_loglike = loglike acc += 1.0 N = 1 # Reset the multiplicity else: # reject step rej += 1.0 N += 1 # Increase multiplicity of last accepted point # Regularly (option to set in parameter file), close and reopen the # buffer to force to write on file. if acc % data.write_step == 0: io_mp.refresh_file(data) # Update the outputs list outputs[0] = data.out k += 1 # One iteration done # END OF WHILE LOOP # If at this moment, the multiplicity is higher than 1, it means the # current point is not yet accepted, but it also mean that we did not print # out the last_accepted one yet. So we do. if N > 1: io_mp.print_vector(outputs, N-1, loglike, data) # Print out some information on the finished chain rate = acc / (acc + rej) sys.stdout.write('\n# {0} steps done, acceptance rate: {1}\n'. format(command_line.N, rate)) # In case the acceptance rate is too low, or too high, print a warning if rate < 0.05: warnings.warn("The acceptance rate is below 0.05. You might want to " "set the jumping factor to a lower value than the " "default (2.4), with the option `-f 1.5` for instance.") elif rate > 0.6: warnings.warn("The acceptance rate is above 0.6, which means you might" " have difficulties exploring the entire parameter space" ". Try analysing these chains, and use the output " "covariance matrix to decrease the acceptance rate to a " "value between 0.2 and 0.4 (roughly).") # For a restart, erase the starting point to keep only the new, longer # chain. if command_line.restart is not None: os.remove(command_line.restart) sys.stdout.write(' deleting starting point of the chain {0}\n'. format(command_line.restart)) return